Investigating the Manifestations and Symbols of Pandora’s Box in Persian Folk Tales

Document Type : Research Article


Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


This study tried to explore the symptoms and symbols of Pandora’s box in Persian folk tales according to the global concept of Pandora and her box. Library resources were used for the descriptive-analytical study.  The study relies on the structuralism of myth, which deals with three perspectives of double oppositions, deep-rooted unity of myths, and the metaphors of myth. It seeks to see why the manifestations of evil in these stories are similar to the universal concept of Pandora’s box. In these tales, the places or things that are connected to elements of evil considered as Pandora’s box. These places are not different from Pandora’s box in terms of meaning, language, metaphor, message, and code. The only difference is the method of composition and their content; the container is the same. Some places were identified as the residence of evil and the symbol of Pandora’s box: garden, hole and basement, box, fence, castle and island. Castle in these stories is more frequent than other places, and in Darabnameh, it can be found more than in other two tales. The heroes of the tales are the good forces trying to either destroy or imprison the evil. Therefore, all of them are metaphors for “hope”, the same one mentioned in the Pandora myth. The outcome of the heros’ curiosity and quest is to getting the places that are sanctuary and the settlement of evil.


Main Subjects

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