A Study on the Status of Teaching and Learning Persian Language Across World Universities

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ferdowsi University

2 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The purpose of this study is to investigate the status of teaching and learning Persian language across world universities. To this end, 10 respondents including university professors, lecturers and graduates of Persian language from 8 first rank universities in Asia, Europe and America were interviewed. Then from among 41 universities in 22 countries, 326 Persian language learners were selected to fill in a questionnaire. The purpose of this study which is part of a bigger research was to examine the status of teaching and learning Persian language across world universities and more particularly the problems faced by language teachers and learners concerning learning Persian. The result of the study showed that despite problems experienced by language teachers and learners, if Persian language departments and institutes responsible for Persian language teaching support the development of Persian language, then many of the problems identified in this study will be solved in the short run.


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