Researches on Akhavan (Akhavan’s Works from 1951 to 2016)

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD in Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


One of the requirements of a scientific research is sufficient knowledge about the research background or research literature. Due to the expansion of studies in the field of poetry and literature, in order to prevent duplication of such a research, the study introduced and reviewed researches that have been written in review of the works of Akhavan Sales. Using a descriptive‑analytical and critical method, the study presents time and thematic diagrams of the researches. It is shown which of the currents criticism have been formed around the investigation of Akhavan's works during the last six decades, what aspects of Akhavan's poetry have received the most attention, and what are the advantages and drawbacks of the researches. This research concludes that some kinds of criticism have been formed on the Akhavan's poetry. In examining the structural aspects of Akhavan's poetry, the most important areas are the study and analysis of language, narrative, and rhetorical aspects, and the musical system of his poetry. Regarding the critique of the semantic system of Akhavan's poetry, the most controversial issues are the study of Akhavan's poetry commitment and socio-political aspects of his poetry and the analysis of philosophical concepts and national identity. The positive points of these researches are accuracy, scrutiny, detailed view, specialized view, attention to new approaches of criticism, and interdisciplinary studies in order to look at literary works in a different way. The repeating and cliché results, using descriptive and theoretical methods are some flaws of these researches.


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