Abdolvase Jebeli’s Plagiarism from Sanayee’s Divan

Document Type : Research Article



Plagiarism is an issue bothering poets and writers since old times. It has been prevalent among those who have not had the capability to create admirable and worthy works. It has been so widespread an offense that even great and well-known poets have sometimes committed it. The present study mainly focuses on the plagiarism of Abdol-Vase Jebeli,(sixth century A.H.), of the works of his famous contemporary poet Sanayee Qaznavi. It tries to investigate Jebeli's Direct Plagiarism (i.e. ascribing somebody's exact words to oneself without any addition or omission) and Modified Plagiarism (i.e. taking somebody's work and changing it) as the most evident types of plagiarism of Sanayee's Divan. Jebeli has repeatedly adapted Sanayee’s pieces in most literary styles especially in ghazal and qasidah forms
