Hypertextual Analysis of the Relationship between Title and Text in the Poem Collection of The Second Millennium of the Mountain Gazelle

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Neyshabur University, Neyshabur, Iran

2 PhD in Persian Language and Literature


Hypertext is the background of text and the first part that readers encounter in literary works. Items such as the author or writer of the work, the title, the volume, editions, introduction, etc., at the beginning of texts makes the oudience pay attention to specific topics when understanding the text. One of the most critical hypertextual criteria in a literary work is the title of the work. The effect of the subject on the audiences’ understanding of the meaning and concept of the work, is called "Titleology". Attention to the function of the title in conveying the idea and determining the general framework of the work causes exceptional sensitivity of poets and writers be meticulous in choosing the title. Shafiei Kadkani, a contemporary poet of Iran, has tried to select the titles of his poems meticulously. Applying qualitative content analysis method, the study aimed at analyzing the stylistic feacutres of Shafiei Kadkani’s poem collection The Second Millennium of the Mountain Gazelle. The application of this method to study the relationship between title of the work an the text, as well as the aesthetic selection of titles in the mentioned collection showed that titles in Shafiei’s poetry has an inserable link with the content. In many cases, one can analyze the poet's thoughts and poetry through the title. It seems that titles of Shafiei’s poetry are selected based on linguistic, literary and content factors. Examining the relationship between the title and the text of the collection results a new view to the theme of the author's work and to his worldview, which may have not been possible without considering the important issue.


Main Subjects

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