A Critical Review of the Persian Translation of Al-Tafzil Bayn Balaghati al-Arab va al-Ajam

Document Type : Book Review


Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, University of Neyshabur, Neyshabur, Iran


The Al-Tafzil bayn Balaghati al-Arab va al-Ajam is one of the most important books of 4th century AH. The book has been translated inهد siroos shamisa translated to persian al-arab va al-ajam to Persian by Siroos Shamisa. The translator has added an introduction and some notes to his translation in which some contentious controversies have been brought about. One of the most controversial issues is attributing the book to Abu Ahmad al‑Askari or his nephew, Abu Hilal. The present study examines the translator's introduction and notes. It is divided into three parts. In the first part, the arguments for the attribution of the book to Abu Hilal is examined. Second part is dedicated to the examination of translator's introduction and notes. At last, the accuracy of translation is evaluated. It should be noted that since the translation is mostly accurate and there is no fundamental change in it, the concentration of this article is on translator's introduction and notes.


Main Subjects

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