Tarikh-e Beyhaghi based on Greimas' actants model Semiotic-structural analysis of two stories from

Document Type : Research Article



Greimas and other semioticians of the Paris School believe that reality is always illusive and that the factors affecting the formation of a narrative are always ambiguous. Based on this view, a narrative is always a simulation of reality. Based on Greimas' actants model, this paper presents an analysis of two stories from Tarikh-e Beyhaghi, with the aim of revealing two types of narratives; the first type cannot be analyzed very well using this model because the author Beyhaghi had no access to authentic details about it and thus presented a poor characterization. The second type can be analyzed using this model because of excellent characterization. The stories reflect reality to a great extent, which shows Beyhaghi's mastery of simulating historical facts in the form of narratives.

Keywords: Tarikh-e Beyhaghi, Hasanak, Afshin, Greimas, actant