Ecofeministic Reading of “Women without Men”

Document Type : Research Article


Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran


Blending environmental movements with third-wave feminism formed ecofeminism, which tied up the aims of the two movements. Ecofeminism tries to trace the relationship between women and nature, either from an essentialist approach or from a structuralist viewpoint, back to the age of mythology. Women and their related affairs play an important role in Shahrnoush Parsipour’s stories. Furthermore, in “Women without Men”, thoughts and lives of female characters of the story are tied to nature, especially to trees. Its climax is where the women of the story, in a traditional‑minded society, take initial steps to liberate themselves from any domination, become conscious, and enter society. Employing a descriptive‑analytic approach, this study sought to understand men/women relationships, on the one hand, and women/nature relation, on the other hand. The results show that women become aware of their own femininity, their own body, and their society by escaping the domination of patriarchal culture. But it is not mean complete freedom from men. Their instinctive inclination to procreation returns them to men. Although a few female characters who are not optimistic about men, take different way which is joining nature and virgin birth; this is a way which relates them to pristine nature and sacred mothers throughout history and mythology. In this story, inappropriate relations of authoritarian men to women and nature could be seen at the same time.


Main Subjects

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