Meaning of the Name “Fereydun” and Its Relationship With His Three Powers in The IranianMythical and Epical Traditions

Document Type : Research Article



Accounts and narratives of the ancient Iranian texts and sources of the Islamic period concerning Fereydun indicate that this Iranian dragon-slayer hero has been known for his three powers, that is “fighting powers,” “medical skills,” and “sorcery arts”. On the other hand, his name, Fereydun (Middle Persian “Frēdōn”, Avestan “θraētaona-“), seems to mean “the owner of three powers” or “the one who has three powers.” Accordingly, there could be a probable relationship between the meaning of Fereydun’s name and his abovementioned three powers. The review of reports on Fereydun in various Iranian and Indian sources proves such a relationship, shows that probably the word “θraētaona-“ was an adjective originally in remote past and it had being used by Iranians for describing their mythical hero; then, in later times, in consequence of gradual development of the myth, this adjective, as a proper name, has been used instead of the original name of the hero, namely *θrīta Āθwya.

Key words: Fereydun, Θraētaona, having three powers, fighting power, medical skill, sorcery art.