Exploring Events of Abolghasem Lahuti’s Life and Criticizing Iranian Sources

Document Type : Research Article


Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran


The data about the eventful life of Abolghasem Lahuti (1264-1366 AH), a contemporary poet of the constitutional era, reflected in Iranian sources are so ambiguous, deficient and contradictory that it is difficult to draw a clear picture of his life. The sources that have described his life have been written mainly after his unfortunate uprising, escape, and absence from Iran; therefore they are not empty of various kinds of rumors and myths. His adventurous life, half of which was in the turbulent years of the constitutional era and World War I in Iran and Turkey, and the other half was beyond the iron walls of the Soviet Union, provided the necessary grounds for storytelling and gossip about him and has made it difficult to obtain accurate information. Therefore, not only what the reporters of his life have narrated about the events of his life is not precise, but also recent researchers of his biography have not been safe from making mistakes in mentioning the events of his life. This study tried to use some documents and sources that have been less considered by researchers in his life, to analyze the content of some of his poems, to criticize the information contained in Iranian sources, to shed some light on the existing ambiguities and contradictions, and to give a more accurate picture of some aspects of his literary and political life


Main Subjects

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