In his Hand Was a Sharp Saranj (Disambiguation of an Unknown Weapon)

Document Type : Research Article


Assistance Professor in Persian Language and Literature, University of Ayatollah Boroujerdi, Boroujerd, Iran


Some weapons are mentioned in the ancient sources of weaponology as well as in historical and heroic texts, but now they seem unfamiliar or strange to researchers and scholars of epic and heroic literature, and yet there are few sources to know about them. One of the weapons is called “Saranj”, which apparently has ben mentioned for the first time in the Zarrin Ghabanameh, a long heroic poem of Safavid era. The corrector of the work states that he had not found the word in the dictionaries and texts, and it has only been mentioned in Zarrin Ghabanameh. Using library sources such as heroic texts, historical texts, and long tales of adventurous folk, and examining other examples of Saranj in these texts, this descriptive-analytical study provides new information about this weapon, which include: 1) regarding the shape and components, Saranjs are found in two distinct types and forms; 2) regarding the usage, Saranjs are used for cutting, striking, and twisting; 3) Saranjs are only used for a certain group, that are non-Iranian, divs, and enemies. In addition to discussing the appearance and structure of Saranj, this study investigated its terminology, and concluded that Saranj had been used in older and more original forms, for the first time in the 6th and 7th centuries, as “Salikh” and “Salak”, and after that, over complicated chain of misuses, has been turned into a Saranj.


Main Subjects

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