From the Inner-House into the Society: Qajar Women’s Travelogues in the Dominant Patriarchal Discourse

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

3 Assistant professor in Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


The Qajar era, prior to the Constitutional Revolution, represents a historical period marked by the dominance of patriarchal discourse. However, this dominance was not limited to men alone; a group of literate women from upper social classes also contributed to it. Analyzing the thoughts and ideas of some Qajar women through their travelogues confirms this issue. Conducted using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), this study revealed that the viewpoint of these women about the imposition of patriarchal discourse was passive, manifesting as “passive acceptance”, “emotional and ineffective” and “supplementing the atriarchal discourse and aligning with the reproduction of its elements”. Furthermore, analyzing these texts revealed that the Qajar women’s travelogue, despite having literacy and special resources as tools for self-actualization, their awareness remained at a level of objectification. Therefore, they did not engage in creation of any new identity. The reasons for such reactions are rooted in the living in the court environment, being part of aristocratic families with traditional culture, and being absorbed by it. This method of encountering the patriarchal discourse and its consequences was adapted by women travelogue writers, while contemporaries such as Bibi Khanom Estarabadi were confronting the patriarchal discourse. Bibi Khanom’s voice in Ma'ayib al-Rijal represents a group of women from prior to the Constitutional Revolution, who had achieved subjectivity and were striving for liberation from the others constructed identities. Therefore, although these women left the interior houses and went on journeys, their minds remained entrenched in the interior of patriarchal Discourse’s dominance.


Main Subjects

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