Khan Arezou and the Issue of Style in Majma Al-Nafayes

Document Type : Research Article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


1. Introduction
Tazkeres are a kind of considerable sources of investigation in Persian literature. In addition to their applications in well-known poet’s biographies, they can also be a resource for studying and representing the literary knowledge. Sirajuddin Ali Khan is one of the Indian outstanding scholars and poets of the in twelfth century whose work Majma Al-Nafayesis a significant critical thazkere. In this article, we explore Sirajuddin Ali Khan ҆s approach to the issue of style in Majma Al-Nafayes. More precisely, the present article tries to answer the following questions about khan Arezou’s attitudes to style inMajma Al-Nafayes and its synonyms; what it is and what issues are placed on? what are the different style poems, and based on what grounds they are named? what is the main hypothesis in the evaluation and descriptions of their stylistic approach.
2. Methodology
The term of style in Majma Al-Nafayes is “Tarz”. Thus, we begin with this issue to survey this term and its related synonyms. Moreover, Khan Arezou s attitudes and approaches have been described and analyzed. He has sometimes applied this term. In this study, we use this term based on the evidence we have deduced, to improve the consistency of the text. Attending the text on the presented evidence in each case will be a good guide for the reader.
3. Result and Discussion
Based onMajma Al-Nafayes, style is any deviations in the language and feeling that will differentiate it from other forms, genres, content, poets, time or the specific location within which it has been defined. The styles have been named by Khan based on the three main elements: structure, geographical and historical context, and the poet's name. The approaches can be classified in three major categories including structural, literary history, and comparative approaches. Impartiality in dealing with different styles (Tarz), critical look and lack of transcription, implicit observation in describing style, and appropriate selection of the poet’s poems are the most distinctive aspects ofKhan Arezou s stylistic attitude. He values traditional Persian poetry as well as the contemporary creative consciousness. Based on his intuitive understanding, he sometimes describes rhetorical aspects, expresses the vocabulary and language issues along with other properties such as semantic and content. When describing and explaining styles, his goal is showing the most prominent characteristic of poems along with clarifying forms according to the poems that are organized in his mind.
The analysis of khan Arezou s attitudes and approaches indicates that he could advance in the true path not by theories of stylistics and literary criticism but by the intuitive understanding and characteristic descriptions in the considerable situation. In view of this, it seems that in theinvestigation of literary movement and studying the detailed history of Persian poetry, it is necessary to focus on different original texts, such as tazkeres.


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