An Investigation into the Multiplicity of Meaning and Hidden Layers of the Story “On the Reason of the Introduction of this Hadith of Mustafa (PBUH)...” Using Roland Barthes’ Narrative Codes

Document Type : Research Article


1 . PhD Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, Payam-e Noor University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Payam-e Noor University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


This story is the first story from the fifth book of Masnavi. This story is mentioned to condemn greed. It emphasizes that a believer has characteristics that can be seen in his appearance and actions. This study tried to analyze this story of Rumi and use Roland Barthes’ narrative codes to discover the creative features and hidden layers in this story. For a detailed analysis of the profound stories of the Masnavi, it is definitely very important to use scientific and systematic methods in the field of reading and literary criticism, and one of these scholarly and academic methods is Roland Barthes’ narrative codes. Barthes divides texts into readerly and writerly. Writerly texts are important and first-class texts, unlike readerly texts, which are more entertaining and not thought-provoking. Examining the story about “On the Reason of the Introduction of this Hadith of Mustafa (PBUH)...” using a descriptive-analytical method and Barth’s codes shows that considering the frequency of all the five codes, this story is not only readerly but also writerly, and two symbolic (oppositions) and cultural codes in this story are very widely used. In addition, mystical and religious terms, and the use of new meanings and literary combinations have caused cultural codes to have a high frequency in this story.


Main Subjects

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