The Conceptology of Art in the Poetry of the Khorāsāni Style

Document Type : Research Article


Asssociate Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Humanities, Iran


Studying the concept of art in persian language is taken from universal discourse of art and its concept in persian language and literature, as it should be, not reviewed. In this research the concept of art in the poems of Khorāsāni style with the componential analysis approach has been demonstrated. After illustrating conceptual relations woven between the word art and wider context of poems, all of the semantic components of the concept of art have been justified and classified. With classifying these semantic components in a larger semantic level, twelve semantic fields have appeared for the concept of art in the poetry of Khorāsāni style. These fields in order of frequency of their subordinate components are: eulogy, aesthetics, war, literary language, craft, practical wisdom, zoology, ethics and habits, religion, social criticism, literary criticism and love. Paying attention to these semantic fields and their semantic components approves that significant relations are seen between semantic fields of the concept of art in the poetry of Khorāsāni style and dominant stylistic features of that style. Also with surveying these fields and their constituent semantic components understood, on the contrary of presuppositions, the concept of art in the poems of Khorāsāni style has been dynamic concept with diverse and sometimes different significations and a summary of the concepts of art in the history of aesthetics is settled in the poetic texts of the Khorāsāni style.


Main Subjects

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