A Comparative Study of the Imagery of Postman's Script and the Woyzeck Play Based on the Imaginary Theory of Gilbert Durand

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ferdowsi University of Mahshad

2 ferdowsi university



In this paper, the authors studies images of adaptation work’s based on the theological theory of Gilbert durand and are expresses The differences and similarities of the imaginative images by the Origin effect in conveying the intended meaning. Using of this method helps the viewer with regard to the structure of the images of  the work, understand the factors that influence their formation. Depending on the structure of the images of the work and  recognizes and demonstrates the impact  of society on the others imagination of the time of the creation of these works. This research will answer these questions. What are the differences between the adaption work images and the original work images? how does the concerns of writers affect literary work? these fear, which are reflection  of the conditions of society in the author's imagination. How do they appear?

Review of literature

Critics and scholars studies the imagery of literary works with the method of critique of the durand. Ali Abbasi has numerous books and articles in this method. Including the book »The Structures of Imaginary Anthropology« (2011), which is a brief introduction of durands theory. His essay "Classify of Fiction by New Literary Criticism" is a summary of this book. Abbasi reviewe and categoriz  the images in two diurnal Regime and nocturnal Regime on " the study of Structural and Imaginary of Mohammad Reza Bayrami's Works" and "The Study of Structure, Thought and Imagination in the Works of Fereydoon Amouzadeh Khalili". Also, in his essay "Reality and Imagination in Celluch's Novel" (2008), he explores the concept of time through symbols in the novel. Negar Mazari in his article "Studying the Concept of Time in Proust Imagination, Relying on the Role of Historical Images in Cambrai " (2012) and "Investigating Fear in Three Drops of Blood of hedayat and Anti-Ethics of Gide based durands Criticism" (1394) It studies the images based on the theory of the durand. article of Mohammad Nabi Ahmadi's  "The Fear of Time and Overcoming it in Poetry of Resistance Poets (from a Psychological Perspective)" (1396), an article entitled "Analysis of the Imaginary Forms of Nasrallah Mardani" According to Gilbert Durand's Theory (1396) by Abbas Mohammadian and Sara Pourshaban's essay "The Analysis of the Imaginary Structure of the Thirsty Wall and the Masnavi Wall Based on New Literary Criticism" is also justified in the new literary criticism Because in all of them, writers studies the artistic imagery of the author in literary works. But the researchers in this paper use of this theory to compare the postman's fictional images with different culture with the original work and show the difference in the use of images.


The article studies with method of Description and analysis, the literary adaptation Dariush Mehrjui  in Postman's film from the German drama of Woyzeck, by Karl Georg Buchner. Based on Gilbert's durand theory of imaginative images that categorizing the images in two diurnal Regime and nocturnal Regime, the evolution of images expresses the adaptation effect to the original work and the role of society as an influential factor in these changes.

Conclusion and discussion

In Postman's adaptation, the symbol of progress and the inner courtyard (symbols of the imagination) appear more in the form of trees and forests, and in the Woyzeck drama in the form of trees, woods, and crosses. In the diurnal Regime, animal images have a negative value in both works. all express the inner fear of the fictional characters, but in Postman's film, animal images creat a calm and Middle space with combin of the positive symbols. The symbols of darkness in these works are seen as lightning, dark night and blood. Symbols of fall are in works in the form of vertigo, blinking and fall. Infront of these images are positive images of the diurnal Regime (spectator and divider). The spectacular symbol at the postman has more images (white flowers, wheat, sky, and light), but in Woyzeck summarizes in his eyes. The separation symbol in films is always accompanied with the animal symbol and the dark symbol that reducing the author's fears.


In study of the imaginative imagery of Postman and Woyzeck works, with gilbert durand critique result is that Mehrjui in the postman use of nature and natural symbols, He overcomes on the fear of time and change with the imagination of nocturnal Regime (trees, flowers and forests). Control the fear of negative symbols (animal, fall and dark) by contrasting them with positive (spectator and separator) symbols but Buchner does not use of nature in Woyzeck and display animal symbols in the form of animal sounds and verbs. In his work the symbols of diurnal Regime are major of the symbols of nocturnal Regime with negative evaluation and This creates a dark space in the work. Undoubtedly, the westernized society of mehrjoyi is better than the exploited society and the conflict in Woyzeck and This lessed the author's panic and reduced the intensity of the anger and fear of the original work and Finally the images are positive. Therefore, the conditions of society and the fears are the most important factors influencing in the creation of positive or negative images in two literary works.


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