Analyzing Nezami’s Methods in Characterizing Khosrow, Bahram, and Alexander

Document Type : Research Article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Nezami’s narratives-in-verse are of high importance for their monumental and eminent characters. This study intends to analyze the methods applied by Nezami while characterization. Accordingly, three of his fictional characters are chosen to be studied, including: Khosrow, Bahram and Alexander who are all alike in the case of being kings. According to this study which has applied descriptive and statistical methods, it is shown that Nezami, unlike the many classic story-tellers, has utilized the indirect presentation much more than the direct definition and his own methods of characterization has a direct correlation with the temper and moods of his characters. Nezami had a constant progress in the field of characterization and his most perfect characterization can be found in Sharafname.


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