Iran and Iranian Image in Chardin’s Travel Book with Respeet to his Clichés and Stereotypes

Document Type : Research Article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The image of a notion in the literary works is considered as one of the most productive areas in comparative literature. In five steps, this paper examines the Chardin’s Travel book and his vision of the Iranian culture and identity relqted to Safavid period: In the first part, we discuss the conception of the Other and express the discrepancy between two reality orders and two spaces. Next step includes the efforts of becoming the same with the Other, obligations of a traveler among other nations and understanding identity through the use of the comparison. Our focus in the third step is on the lexical analysis including adjectivising. In the following step, we examine the creation of the Clichés and stereotypes and also the adjustment, verification and enhancement of traveler’s subjective assumptions made when faced with the reality, relating text to its socio-historical contexts. And in the last step, we consider the descriptions of the certain aspects of reality and show how some of the stereotypes dominate others. Finally, we conclude that the image of Iran and Iranian’s identity in Chardin’s narration is influenced by both the reality, his insights, his subjective assumptions, and the socio-historical context at a particular historical period.


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