The relationship between a symbol of the battle with the demons in Persian mythology, with belief in gods Horned in the native cultures (and the criterion like of this battle on the road to individuality of the hero)

Document Type : Research Article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The Horned god is an early 20th-century syncretic term for a horned or antlered anthropomorphic god with pseudohistorical origins. These Gods represents the male Gods of the religion's ditheistic, the other part being the female Goddess or Mother Goddess. the deity is always shown with either horns or antlers upon his head, in this way emphasizing "the union of the divine and the animal", the latter of which includes humanity.

The Horned God has been explored within several Archaeological theory, mythological, psychological, historical, cognitive nature, anthropology, and so on.The Horned God has become a recurrent theme in fantasy literature.
Evil creatures in Iranian mythology, evil (Ahryman) companions, the most prominent being the villain in Iranian mythology, demons (Divān) are. In this paper, a new analysis of this existing presentation, which is based on comparing them with horned deities in ancient cultures of Asia and ancient Europe and provide a new theory about what is the origin of the Persian demons?
Results and Discussion
In this paper, the analytical comparison between demons and deities Horned, this result was compared between the two sides shared the following parameters: relevance Horned deities and demons with the sun god at the age of religious thought turns naughty and as a result, the deities ancient Horned devil and his followers converted. Black and Horned demons and deities of the Horned (morphology), communication with the gods known as bull, dark world of underground and traditions associated with death and sacrifice and cannibalism legend terrible gods.

Horned deities belong to the cultures of the era of the goddess worship. This has led, in monotheistic culture, "battle" with horned deities and demons, dragon-killer has the same function, this conflict has become a test for the initiation heroes are hard, they function as a barrier against creatures that God created well the challenge to the hero in the course of their evolution. Hero with divine support charisma (Farreh or manna s) on creatures with Magic won, defeating the locks and pass the initiation, is immortality.


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