A Comparison of the sociology theory with the literary and social Structure of the Novels of Simin Daneshvar

Document Type : Research Article


1 University of Farhangian Ghaemshar

2 University of Farhangian Babol


1. Introduction
Sociological critique of the novel is one of the most popular types of critique of fiction. This type of critique, based on the link between social and structural and structural literary, provides a sociological reading of the literary text. recreation literature is an artistic expression of the realities of society. The main subject of literature is language and language is a means of establishing communication and social relations. literature, which is made up of the language and culture of the people of the community, is a social phenomenon and its function is the exchange of the lived experience between humans. The relationship between literature and society, from ancient times to our time, is a reciprocal relationship. Therefore, in order to understand the literary works, it is necessary to recognize the historical, social, political, cultural, and even intellectual and moral differences of each period, in order to obtain a proper understanding of the thoughts and effects of a writer or poet. This is what is nowadays found in new literary theories. text is in a context of context that is consciously or subconsciously affected, and a text cannot be analyzed regardless of its context. This article examines Daneshvar novels, social features, meaningful actions of collective subjects, within repetitive social themes, recognition of the class position of the author and its reflection on the plot and novel characters, and the relation between literary structure and social structure.
The women of Daneshvar's works are selected from both classes of society, "aristocrats and deprived", and from people around them.
In her later novels, she has selected female characters from college students and academics.
As a result, from the point of view of sociology, the creation and transformation of the characters of the Daneshvar novels have been influenced by factors such as social transformations, external and internal revolution, and the relation between literary structure and social structure.

2. Methodology
This study is based on descriptive and comparative analysis using library research.Conceptual structures, in the form of an ideal type and its adaptation to the repeated social themes in the work of Daneshvar, have been adapted to the writings of this author and adapted to sociological theories.This research intends to investigate and answer the following questions.
- How is the theory of sociology compatible with the novels of Simin Daneshvar as the first female novelist in the field in Iranian literary production?
- How does the status of the heroes of the triple novels of Daneshvar in the world of these novels is similar to their position in the field of literary production?
- Is it possible to obtain a constructive and comprehensible structure of the theory to be applicable to sociological critique of Daneshvar novels in a practical form?

3. Discussion
In order to adapt the theory of sociology, with the literary structure of Daneshvar's works, we must consider all the social aspects of the Iranian society at the time of the writer and reflect it.This article deals with the views of the works on this subject, considering the classroom status of Daneshvar and its reflection in effect. The discovery of the correspondence between personality and linguistic structure and its adaptation to the social structure of Daneshvar's novel leads to a link between social and literary structure.Finally, by analyzing and explaining the elements used in this paper, we can be more confident that our critique is not limited to expressing societies in the novel and the effect and interaction between the community and the works of Daneshvar have been established within the framework of the theory. studying the structure and characteristics of the works of Daneshvar and its effect on the creation of female characters of the stories show that:
1.The attempt to discover the individuality and identity of a woman has a remarkable place in Daneshvar novels. Daneshvar has studied the problem of the identity and status of Iranian woman in a stage of social change in her works.2. A deep attachment to home and family is at the heart of many women's stories. 3. Women of middle and educated classes in these works always try to maintain and correct them. If they are forced to go to the scene of events, they prefer to compromise on the revolution and are more likely to seek an internal revolution.4. In Simin Daneshvar's novels, like the works of many women of contemporary writers,there is a balance between the positive woman and the negative woman 5. In the stories of Daneshvar, women's characters tend to calm and reconcile and peace,and preference for the inner revolution over to the external revolution.

4. Conclusion
The study of the social origins of Simin Daneshvar and its comparison with the origins of the storyteller's characters shows that the scholar has experienced two types of life from two different classes, but has always been with educators, intellectuals and elders of science and literature. These class experiences have affected the works and characters of her stories.
● Within the main collection of all three Daneshvar novels:
Inside the main theme of all three novels, "Sow-va-shon", "Wandering Island" and Wanderer Cameleer , Daneshvar, represent the state of women in modern times.
●The degree of deconstruction and traditions of women escaping or wandering
The degree of deconstruction and traditions of women escaping or wandering the image of women in the stories of Simin Daneshvar or Zari in the Sow va shon (a gentleman with a knowledge and manager and expert, a popular and affectionate face of the traditional family) or confused by the wandering and wandering island. They have an emotional and emotional distress that, by relying on beloved, husband, son, and brother, search for their problem in life. A woman in a wanderer who covers all aspects of her life is floating between old and new, traditions and traditions; a woman with her personality traits and her time.
● The process of personality transformation in Daneshvar novels:
Important factors such as social changes and the external and internal revolution have an impact on the transformation of the characters of the story.


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