An Approach to the Emendation and Reading of two Words in the Kārnāmag ī Ardašēr ī Bābakān on the basis of a Counterpart in Shahnameh

Document Type : Research Article


University of Tabriz


1- One of the objective aspects of the royal Glory in the Kārnāmag ī Ardašēr ī Bābakān (Book of the Deeds of Ardašīr, the Son of Bābak) is the appearance of a material manifestation in the shape of a corpulent animal, probably a ram. The word signifying this concept has been written in the Pahlavi text of Kārnamag as جی. Scholars agree on the meaning of the word and generally refer to it as ram, but they disagree on the reading of the word. Most researchers following Antia, corrected it as+اجی  and read it warrag. However, the latter has been used neither in Pahlavi nor in Persian texts meaning "ram". In Shahnameh, Ferdowsi renders it into غُرم (γorm) “a mountain ram”, so it is possible that Pahlavi spelling is also a contamination of+جای  (the deletion of ا is very common in Pahlavi writing). The given form could be easily read as "rang", Persian رنگ which means "mountain goat".
2- Pahlavi غجاغ defines the manifestation of the Ādur Farrobāy in the shape of a bird, in the Kārnāmag (chapter 9, Frag. 11). This spelling has been read as xrōs and interpreted as "cock" by editors. Although this interpretation is possible, but it is not suitable for the context. It is better to transliterate this word  as ʾlwh and read it as āluh (Persian آلُه) "eagle" which comes from Old Iranian *ardifya- (Av. ərəzifiia- Skt. ṛjipyá- ) literary "moving or flying straight, upwards".


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