Investigating the Discursive Function of Allegory in Sufis’ Register: A Case Study of “Worship” Allegory

Document Type : Research Article


PhD in Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabai University


There are three main views on studying allegory: a) From rhetorical perspective, allegory is a literary device that rhetorical scholars examine using rhetoric and has an aesthetic function; B) From cognitive perspective, it is a cognitive phenomenon that plays an important role in organizing human concepts and thinking, and what appears in language is only a manifestation of that cognitive phenomenon; C) From discourse view, allegory is a powerful tool that social activists use based on individual and social sources to legitimize their discourse and reject rival discourses. Throughout the history of Sufism, Sufis have tried to use allegory for making understandable the spiritual elements of their mystical experiences. Every allegory represents mystical concepts in a certain way. Relying on such an attitude and using the methodological foundations and tools of Laclau and Mouffe’s theory of discourse, the study examined the function of Sufi allegorical discourse on the concept of “obedience and worship” in Sufi expression. From a discursive point of view, in the early periods of Sufism, allegories are interdisciplinary in nature; that is, identities and concepts are often formed around signs that emerge from the common discourses of that period or even discourses outside the discourse of Islamic religious sciences. But in later times, the Sufis sought to reject the meanings of rival discourses by constructing concepts and identities, and to construct new networks of signs.


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