A Critique of the Term “Spiritual Music” of Poetry

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Mashhad, Iran


One of the important elements of poetic speech, which can be seen in almost all definitions of poetry, is music. Music of poetry can be summarized as external, lateral, and internal music. A new term to the music of poetry, entitled “Spiritual Music of Poetry” (موسیقی معنوی) was first coined and introduced by Mohammad Reza Shafiei Kadkani. This term, which was originally added to three types of Persian poetry music, was presented more than three decades ago in the book Music of Poetry and it can be seen in all editions of this book during these years. Shafiei Kadkani made this term based on two points; one is Ikhwan Al-Safa’s Rasa'il (Epistles of the Brethren of Purity) who used the term “music” for all the balanced affairs of the universe. And the second, the introduction of a rare discussion in the literary device, pun, entitled “Non-Verbal Pun” in few original books and by some rhetorical scholars. The present article reviewed the arguments and concluded that the interpretation of Ikhwan Al-Safa and his use of the word "music" is a taste matter not a scientific issue. Moreover, the basics of the “Non-Verbal Pun” are quite different from what is presented about the Spiritual Music of Poetry and cannot justify the use of this term.


Main Subjects

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