Comparison of Houshang Myth in the Shahnameh and Khodaynameh Based on Hypertextuality of Genette

Document Type : Research Article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Houshang, second mythical king of Iran, is introduced as Pishdad in historical texts. He had the most important duties such as collecting water in ponds, ordering to hunt wild animals, clothes making, carpeting using animal's Skin, and encouraging people to agriculture. Arabic historical texts are written in the early Islamic centuries narrating the stories of Persian kings. They were derived from Khodaynameh and then translated. Ferdowsi in Shahnameh has introduced Houshang as the second Persian king and has written on his actions. The analysis and comparison with other narratives based on the hypertextuality not only reveals the origins of these texts, but also shows the differences in narrative texts representing the fact that the texts have used Various versions of Khodaynameh.source of Ferdowsi and tha'alibi was not a common and work of tha'alibi is hypertext that history of tabari is its hypotext.


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