Some Consideration for Editing the Burzunama-i Kuhan

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University Of Shiraz, Iran

2 PhD candidate, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University Of Shiraz, Iran


Extended abstract


The Burzunama is a great epic book on the wars of Burzu, son of Suhrab, which is commonly divided into two main parts: A. the old book; which is composed by Shams al-Din Muhammad Kusaj into Mutaqareb, the most important prosodic structure to compose epic poetry in Persian literature, in 8 A.H.; the latter part is known as one of the most important works which following the Firdawsi’s method among his celebrated book which is called Shahnama; that is for the most part known as the book of kings. B. the new volume; which is probably composed in 10 A.H. by an ordinary poet, whose name is Ataei. Both books were probably assembled together by Ataei. The book was amended by a contemporary scholar, Professor Akbar Nahwi, based on five manuscripts in 1387 S.H. which is one of the most coherent works on epic books that have been circulated after Shahnama and surprisingly there is no article on Professor Akbar Nahwi’s work. In Professor Akbar Nahwi’s work, before the main passage, there is a 77-pages analyzing introduction. At the end of that, an index on persons and places is regarded. The editor of the book had shown 12 manuscripts but just used 5 of them which were considered more important; including Central Library of Tehran University, National Library of Paris (2 manuscripts), Islamic Consultative Assembly Library, and Library of Cambridge University; and the latter was used as the main manuscript and most valuable one. Although undoubtedly the work of Professor Akbar Nahwi is one of the most scientifically coherent works on the epic books which were composed after Shahnama, in some cases, there are parts which ill-understood that are shown in this article by documentation of the external and internal proofs for offering a better record or clarifying the vague verses which are marked.

Literature Review

There is no independent article on the old Burzunama amending. For the first time, the book was considered in west and Anquetil-Duperron took several manuscripts of the book from Paris toward India in the second part of the eighteen century. Then, in 1816, Kosegarten circulated a 275-verses version of Burzunama with a German translation. In 1829, Turner Macan embedded a 3600-verses manuscript of the book in his amended Shahnama; the latter work, which is as abridged part of the old Burzunama, is about attaching Burzu to Afrasiab’s army, coming toward Iran and getting allied with Iranian side against Afrasiab, and defeating his army. The whole passage of Burzunama was amended by Professor Akbar Nahwi for the first time. At the same time as introducing Professor Akbar Nahwi’s work, the article offers some notes on several verses. 


The article used a conceptual analysis method by utilizing library information tool for A. perusing and taking notes; B. analyzing the data; C. classifying the data based on the external and internal proofs to gather them at the end. Obviously, to fortify the results on a comprehensive sight, in analyzing the data, both sides of internal proofs, or concept of verses, and external side, which confirm the author's’ opinion, are considered.

Finding and Discussion

The introducing Burzunama seems necessary for as much as the amending the old Burzunama is for the first time and because of the critical and scientific method which was used by Professor Akbar Nahwi. Hence in the article, at the first, the Professor Akbar Nahwi’s work is introduced by counting the criteria and fundamental elements; secondly, the authors have critically endeavoured to consider the verses records based on concentrating on the external proofs and internal one. The article offers approximately 30 records of verses alluding to the flaws.


The conclusions which were deduced from the article are divided into these parts: B. introducing the critical amending of Professor Akbar Nahwi of the celebrated book of the old Burzunama and counting the benefits of Professor Akbar Nahwi’s work; B. the authors have deeply endeavored to solve some problems of the book by utilizing the external sources and the internal one; and then offered another record for 33 hemistiches; C. after a deep study on the Professor Akbar Nahwi’s work, the authors have found some ill-understood cases in several verses which shaped by lack of attention to the concept and the internal side of the passage; in other words, this problem has been caused by the weakness of attention to the vertical order in the whole structure of poetry; D. in another side, the shortage of attention to the external proofs caused the selections which are not so related to the literature background; E. in some cases, the offers of authors are not imperative and the records which used by Professor Akbar Nahwi are right; F. in another part of the article, the authors have tried to reiterate the vague situations of marked verses.


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