Exploring the Rhetorical Voice in Shahrokh Meskoub’s Scientific Essays on Shahnameh

Document Type : Research Article


1 . Professor in Persian Language and Literature, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.

2 PhD in Persian Language and Literature, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.


Essay (jostar in Persian) is a prose that is not considered a literary genre due to its intermediate and indefinite nature, though it is an artistic writing based on everyday life. Essay is considered the result of the dialectic of science and art and the interface between knowledge and life, though is far from both the style of systematic academic articles and the popular writings. Essay is a special form of writing freedom that is unrestricted but holds a kind of internal order and structure. Literary essays may have a tone that can be called a rhetorical voice. Taking a descriptive-analytical approach, this study tried to find the characteristics of rhetorical voice in Shahrokh Meskoub’s essays on Shahnameh. The results showed that in his essays (formal and informal), Meskoub shaped the form of his work according to his perspective on the subject matter of writing. His writing style in each work are different from the other. The variety of style and tone in Meskoub’s essays indicates the fluidity of the essay style and the creative idiosyncrasy of the author as n essayist.


Main Subjects

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