The Representation of Different Aspects of Ibn Tabataba's Theory of Truth in Epistemological and Aesthetic Contexts in the Book Ayar al-She’r

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.


This study aimed to represent and analyze the aspects of the theory of truth in Ibn Tabataba's most important work, namely Ayar al-She’r, in two epistemological and aesthetic contexts, relying on the descriptive-analytical method. In so doing, it presents a comprehensive perspective on the system of Ibn Tabataba's philosophical and literary thought. Therefore, first, in order to clarify the geography of the subject, it reconsidered the theoretical foundations of epistemology as well as theories and approaches to truth. Then, the artistic, ethical, historical, and visual aspects of truth in Ibn Tabataba's epistemological system were analyzed and explored, with attention to the distinction between the epistemology and aesthetics. The results indicated that, from an epistemological point of view, Ibn Tabataba's theory of knowledge is in alignment and convergence with the classical theory of epistemology; namely, the correspondence theory of truth. Therefore, it is justified, informative, and objective, and has the authority to judge propositions. A work of art is not only measured by the scales of epistemological truth and falsity, but also it can be judged by aesthetic criteria. Ibn Tabataba's theory of knowledge from an aesthetic point of view cannot be informative, realistic, or objective. Consequently, it also lacks the authority to judge literary propositions, which are inherently defamiliarized and logically hard to grasp.


Main Subjects

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