The Concept of Qiyamat (Resurrection) and Qa’im (Raiser) in Ismaili Teaching and Its Manifestations in Qa'imiyat Divan

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


The resurrection and the Qa'im are concepts that are used in different sects of religions, but each sect has a specific definition and interpretation of these concepts in accordance with its own principles. The Qa’imiyat Divan is one of the few remaining works of the Ismailis of the Alamut period (483-654 AH), which has been kept hidden and inaccessible until now for such reasons as religious prejudices. In this Divan, such topics and concepts as interpretation, monotheism, vision, comparison, appearance, interior, and resurrection are discussed. These concepts generally focus on the main axis of the Divan, namely “Qa'im” and “Qiyamat”. The resurrection was raised with the support of Ismaili theologians in the sixth century (the Alamut period), and Hassan Mahmoud the writer also reflects it in his Qa’imiyat Divan. Introducing this newly discovered work and recognizing other aspects and dimensions of this intellectual movement is one of the goals and importance of this research. In this article, while presenting the concept of Qiyamat and Qa’im in Ismaili thought, the specific meanings and concepts related to the term during the period of Alamut and after it are discussed. Looking at the poems of Hassan Mahmoud Kateb in Qa’imiyat Divan, the study comes to the conclusion tha the Ismaili view of qiamat is different from the interpretation of this concept in other Islamic sects. The term qiamat in Ismaili teachings of the Alamut period actually indicates the entry of the Ismailids into a new historical period.


Main Subjects

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