“Pathological” Study of the Articles on Ferdowsi and the Shāhnāma Written in 1370’s Š / (1991-2000)

Document Type : Research Article



Review, study, and “pathological” analysis of researches related to Ferdowsi and the Shāhnāma are necessary because of the great number of such works. In 1370’s, researches about the Shāhnāma increased dramatically in comparison to the previous years and many articles with a variety of contents were printed in different journals. In this study, the quality of the articles in the abovementioned period has been studied and a number of their shortcomings have been enumerated. These include: neglecting the literature review, references to non-authoritative editions of the Shāhnāma, using inappropriate language, descriptive and superficial nature of the study, lack of coherence, repetition, imposition of meaning to the texts, unfamiliarity with the stories and characters and the content-title incompatibility.
