A Reflection on a Misreading in Zahed Darwajeki’s Lataif al-Tafsir and Introducing a Newly Found Verse

Document Type : *


PhD Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


This study examines a verse used in Lataif al-Tafsir of Zahed Darwajeki. In this context, in addition to mentioning the relatively remarkable mistakes in correcting and using the manuscripts, we focused one verse of this commentary, containing a very important from the viewpoint textual criticism studies. The editor, informed by his wrong reading of the available manuscripts, have impaired the authenticity. According to the available manuscripts of Lataif al-Tafsir and other secondary sources, it seems that a part of the commentary has been misinterpret, which contains verses by Muhammad Kateb Abdoh, and this reference of Zahed Darwajeki could be one of the oldest sources for the poems of this poet.


Main Subjects

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