the Oldest Manuscript of Marzbannameh

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Arak University, Arak, Iran


Sa’d al-Din Varavini's version of Tabari’s Marzbannameh by Espahbod Marzban bn Rostam is one of the major texts in Persian prose heritage. Three revisions of the work have been published over the last century, but there is not a very authentic correctd versoin. Being accessable the old precious manuscript dated back to Thursday, 10 Ramaza, 698 (AH), no. 216 in Istanbul Archeology Museum, it becomes clear that three other corrected manuscripts bear many mistakes, omitted parts, added materials, vague contents, mis-reasings, and changes. This issue makes it necessary to correct the manuscript again. This manuscript is so far the oldest known version of Marzbannameh in the world. So, this the first time that this valuable version is introduced in detail. This study introduces the most ancient manuscript of Marzbannameh and tried to examine and discuss its unique features under headings the scribe and the scribing date, the writing stle of letters, the illustrations of the manuscript. Examining his manuscript shows the vast changes, omitions, additions, vague points, and mis-understandings of other three manuscripts of Marzbannameh. Some examples are provided at the end of the paper.


Main Subjects

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نسخۀ خطی
وراوینی، سعدالدین، مرزبان‌نامه، ترکیه، استانبول، کتابخانۀ موزۀ باستان‌شناسی، شمارۀ 216، کتابت‌شده به سال 698 هـ ق. زبان: فارسی.