Who Does Khosrownāmeh (Gol and Hormoz) Belong to?

Document Type : Research Article



Among the many works that have been incorrectly attributed to Attār of Nishapur is the amorous verse work, Gol and Hormoz, which is popularly known as Khosrownāmeh. In the past few decades, after the research by Dr. Shafiei Kadkani, it has become apparent that without any doubt this work does not belong to Attar of Nishapur. However, the identity of the author has still not been identified. We have demonstrated in this research that Gol and Hormoz was composed close to 600 A.H. in Esfahan, and its author is Sheikh Attār Abdollāh Mohammad Miāneji (Miānei), who has passed away in 619 A.H.

Key words: Attār of Nishapur, Attār Miāneji (Miānei), Gol and Hormoz, Khosrownāmeh, amorous verse work.