Persian Words in the Oldest Arabic Dictionary

Document Type : Research Article



Ketab-ol-Ein, which was written by Ahmad Farahidi, is one of the oldest dictionaries that exist today. In the preliminary discussion we mentioned that, although historical sources show that the work of Ibn Abbas looks like a dictionary, it is becoming accepted that Ketab-ol-Ein is the first dictionary. The article starts with explanations about the life and work of Khalilibn Ahmad. We have also mentioned first Arabic dictionaries that appeared before the fourth century. In the part devoted to source-recognition of articles it has been mentioned that apart from the work of Khalil ibn Ahmad, Al-Moarrab written by Javaliqi, Lesan-ol-Arab written by Ibn Manzour classical sources have been chosen. And Al-FazolFarsi–ol-Moarrabah, written by Sayyed Addy Shir, Mojamol Moarrabat- al Farsiah, written by Mohammad Al-Tanoji and Al-Moarrabwa Al-Dakhelfi Al-Majemel Al-Arabiah, written by nasr ali have been chosen as the main sources of the article. The main idea of this research is Ketab-ol-Einand we want to show the appearance of Persian words in the first Arabic dictionaries and the other sources have been used just because of more explanations. The article is included fifty-two words and compounds that have come in Ketab-ol-Ein.Whether the cases that author believes are Persian or Persian words that he has used, but has not mentioned, that they are Persian. This article shows Persian words were such as prevailing in the second century that catchthe eye of the author of Al-Ein.

Key words: Persian language, dictionary, encyclopædia, second century, history of Persian language