Evolution of the Term "Imitation" in Philosophical-Islamic Writings

Document Type : Research Article



Imitation is a keyword in philosophical poetics that is the Fundamental element of poem. Concept of this term has changed since time of Aristotle to Qonnaee and then to other Muslim philosophers. This article is seeking the concept of Imitation Through philosophical writings and with Phenomenological method. Our Resources are Poetics’Aristotle translated by Qonnaee and then epistles of Farabi, Avicenna, Baqdadi, Ibn Rushd, Nasire Toosi and Qartajeni. Subject matters in this article are: The spiritual realm of Imitation, distinctions and likenesses of Imitation in arts, Imitation in poem, kinds of versicular Imitation, purposes of versicular Imitation, versicular Imitation and logical syllogism, versicular Imitation and rhetorical Techniques and finally versicular Imitation and Ultimate moral purpose of poem. Qartajeni isn’t philosopher but his work is affected by writings of Farabi and Avicenna.

Key words: Philosophical Poetics, Imitation, Poem, Art, Muslim Philosophers.