The Audience Analysis of The Shahnama’s Illustrations (Two Manuscripts: Baysunghuri and Davari)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Cambridge University - UK


The paintings of the illustrated Shahnama manuscripts can pave the way to reach at the approach of the addressees of Shahnama during all the times. Shahnama is the book which has been a focus of much concentration and attention by the painters but this type of pictography has been exposed to variations concerning atmospheric conditions. So if raises the question here about the type of the impact of the audience on the kind of the pictography of the Shahnama. Is it possible to guess the specific addressee through the paintings?
In this research by selecting two copies: Baysunghuri and Davari, we find an answer to the question. Our research methodology is such that both the painting copies are studied in the perspective of theme and pictorial elements and then we explain the relation between the paintings and the addressees of the Shahnama.
The outcome of this research reveals that the type of addressee being royal or non-royal plays an important role in choosing the theme and the picture elements.


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