Abolfazl Bayhaqi’s Personality Traits: An Analysis Based on Tārikh-e Bayhaqi

Document Type : Research Article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Psychological approach to literature is one of the approaches through which one can examine author’s mind and personality. Since Tārikh-e Bayhaqi includes the main sequence of Bayhaqi’s personal, social and professional events, one can read it as a sort of autobiographical text and through psychological analysis, discover many significant features of the author’s personality. The theoretical framework of this paper is based on the viewpoints of Maslow, who is a pioneer of new Humanism in Growth Psychology. This article attempts to put forward a more scientific image of the author of Tārikh-e Bayhaqi, as well as to draw a portrait of him by using physiognomy. Authors of this article conclude that Bayhaqi is a self-actualizing human being and his personality type is Ectomorph-Cerebrotonic.


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