Investigating the Status of "Patience" in Mystical Texts of Persian Literature and its Practical Strategies in Positive Psychology

Document Type : Research Article


Isfahan University


Extended Abstract
1. Introduction
Contemporary man has various psychological problems. In recent years, some psychologists in the field of positive psychology have shown an interest in spirituality to solve these problems. Iranian-Islamic mysticism, a well-known spiritual tradition emerged in the form of literary texts, refers to the sublime knowledge that can be gained in the light of new psychological instructions and the new conclusions and comparisons made between them. The study of literary prose texts in which mystical experiences and spiritual dimensions of humanity are reflected can provide psychologists with some objectives and empirical achievements. One of the topics that can be compared between these two areas is "patience". The study aims to study the characteristics of mystical status of patience in the mystical texts of Persian literature as well as the status of patience from the perspective of psychology and its practical consequences in today's human life. The study also compares these results in terms of meaning and application. This study follows a new approach to mystical literary texts based on the practical foundations of mystical instructions and shows some of its similarities with psychiatric therapeutic approaches in the field of mental health, which can differentiate it from previous studies.
2. Theoretical Framework
In recent decades, a branch of psychology has focused on spirituality and positivism to identify better ways to achieve mental health (Mirmahdi et al., 2017). New research has shown that there is a very strong relationship between spirituality and inner peace or mental health (West, 2015). One of the most important mental problems of the human being, especially in the present age, is anxiety, depression, lack of peace of mind and cardiac reassurance. Psychologists have explored the positive and practical effects of patience, one of the best ways to achieve the inner peace in human life.
On the other hand, Islamic-Iranian mysticism is a well-known ancient tradition in the field of spirituality. Mystical spiritual instructions in mystical literary texts reveal the spiritual abilities of man. One of the most important mystical themes is "patience", with the realization of many other human-like traits in one's being. This article attempts to compare the definitions and characteristics of "patience" in the mystical view of its practical application in life with the function of "patience" in today's positive psychology and its impact on the treatment of mental illness.
In mysticism, with the realization of "patience," many other human-like traits emerge in individuals. "Patience" is the mystic's acceptance of God's judgment and acceptance of adversity, without the objection that comes only through human attention to God and emerges in difficult and happy times and also in personal situations and social relationships. In positive psychology, "patience" is also associated with various themes that show the practical functions of "patience" in coping with stress and improving psychological conditions. In this area, increased spiritual tendencies give people the skills, abilities, and "patience" to realize that they are less affected by adverse conditions. The similarity of the subject of "patience" in mysticism with its various meanings in psychology in mystical texts can be explored and retrieved.
3. Method
The research method is bibliographic and searching for sources related to the subject of this research. All sources in which the mystical and divine theories about the status of "patience" are taken are taken. The information provided is analyzed and categorized in a theoretical and systematic way, thus formulating and adjusting the theoretical foundations of patience. On the other hand, psychology research and research in the field of patience are studied and analyzed. Its data are analyzed and cohesively categorized. Finally, the results are compared and compared in the mystical literary texts and psychology and their similarities and differences are identified and explained.
4. Results and Discussion
Mental health professionals began the year with the development of spiritual mental interventions. This incorporates spiritual resources into clinical "practice" and raises the issue of positive mental health with important implications for the benefits of spirituality in people's lives to achieve mental peace, happiness and life satisfaction. This branch of psychology called "positive and spiritual psychology" relies on the influence of inner purity for the treatment of external diseases. In this field, spirituality is a process that paves the way for practical efforts to help individuals improve their well-being.
Mystical instructions have attracted the attention of positive psychologists and psychiatrists due to the introspection and healing of psychological suffering in the shadow of spiritual affairs. By using the mystical practice, the techniques and methods of practicing spirituality appear in the presence of individuals to lead a happy and desirable life. In this position, the human loses the state of suffering and if he has a complaint, he will only return the complaint to God. The subject of "patience" in positive psychology has also many practical functions that emerge in a variety of situations, including coping with stress, having success in life, and maintaining balance. Spiritual tendencies help to make "patience" in these situations. Mystical studies of "patience" show the link between the mystical practice and empirical practice of attaining this position through the spirit of spirituality with the theories of psychologists in the field of spirituality and happiness. These parallels can be found in the topics of "beautification and resilience" in psychology and the Gospels of spiritual Mathnawi.
5. Conclusion
One of the most important authorities in mystical literary texts is "patience", with the realization that many other human-like traits emerge in the individual. In research on psychology, one of the ways to achieve inner peace is "patience", which has an effective role in providing mental health, enhancing the sense of satisfaction and acceptance in people and preventing mental disorders. Coping with stress and having success in life are the applications of "patience" in human life. In comparing the concept of "patience" in mystical and psychological texts, it is concluded that some mystical definitions and interpretations of "patience" are closely related to the concepts of this subject in the field of positive psychology. Common concepts of "patience" in the two fields of mystical literature and psychology, for example, are found in some passages containing the concept of "patience" in Rumi's Masnavi. Rumi's spiritual instructions on the subject of "patience" are in harmony with the debates in positivist psychology, including "beauty and resilience". Thus, it seems that the knowledge of psychology in our country can be used as a tool for sampling and reaching useful results by referring to literary and mystical texts on spiritual issues.


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