Manifestations of Eros in Forough Farrokhzad’s New Poems

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD in Persian Language and Literature, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Madani University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


Forough Farrokhzad has used in her new poems the artistic manifestaions of Eros in a unique way. Eroticism and its related high frequent images are not merely used to convey lyrical images, but to represent the experience of a deep understanding of the phenomena of the world around the poet. The manifestations of this frequency are suggested in four general categories: gender personification (Adding the quality of masculinity and femininity to inanimate objects and nature), sexual lyricism (Experience of maturity and personal love of the poet with passion and enthusiasm, in the form of images), human body (Female organ symbolizes female role or influence), and Freudianism. (Interpretation of the poet's relationship with himself, others and the universe based on the female instinct). The study concluded that the manifestations of Eros, considering the lyrical emotions, image abilities, femininity of the text and sexual humanity of the inanimate nature, have given a pulsating and fruitful meaning to the life of the poet. It is as if Farrokhzad’s femininity has made her world meaningful. All bitter and sweet experiences of the poet can be interpreted and understood through her femininity. The poet has also brought his despairing and mortal thoughts behind his erotic images to his ordinary and daily life to show the similarity and inseparability of these two opposites in man. The study aimed at examining and analyzing these unique forms with prominent and influential examples from the two collections of poems Another Birth (تولدی دیگر) and Let’s Believe in the Beginning of the Cold Season (ایمان بیاوریم به آغاز فصل سرد).


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