Class Status of Females vs. their Sexual Status in Mystical Educational Texts

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen Branch, Roudehen, Iran


Due to the symbolism of the soul, the female position in mystical-educational texts has always been considered lower than men who have been a symbol of reasoning. It has been said that in comparison with other thoughts, feminism which is equivalent to egoism, tends to be woman-enemy. This study examines the status, role, and manner of upper-class females who belong to the court and the lower class females who are slaves in the anecdotes of three poems of representatives of mystical literature, that is, Sanai, Attar and Rumi, using an approach inspired by Keith Millett, which pursues the implementation of gender policies in three areas: status, role, and character. Then it examines the role of women in the mystical context of the anecdotes. The hypothesis of the study is that in the mystical-educational discourse, social divisions take precedence over gender divisions; because upper-class females have a higher status than men of other classes (even Sufis). According to the characteristics of these women such as being out of reach, being praised, and the position of divinity, some of these women have become idols of God, while Sufi men take their intuitive experience with these women.


Main Subjects

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