Essay and Classification as a Genre

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran

2 Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran


Essay is a genre of modern world and modern relations that can be considered as an independent genre. The origin of this type dates back to the Renaissance and the attention to the individuality of the thinking man. Due to the fact that the essay is close and related to some other genres, it has caused it to be named with its common and family genres, regardless of its form and nature. In this article, after reviewing essay writing in the West, the issue of form in essay, its prose and its relationship with the structures of the new world has been considered. By studying the related types of this type of writing and the formal and qualitative analysis of the research, its types are classified under two general headings of personal research and official research with subheadings and the ratio of research with similar types is discussed. Finally, in order to approach the definition of an essay, by studying various essays, relative components such as: prose, self-painting, flexibility, generalizability, self-regulation, simple literature, thoughtfulness and contemplation have been expressed as common features of essays.


Main Subjects

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