Persian Equivalents of Atman and Brahman in Bidel's Masnavis According to the Teachings of the Advaita Vedanta School

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Religions and Comparative Mysticism, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad


India has always been the homeland of various religions, the most important and common of which is Hinduism. This religion is consisted of different mystical schools. Advaita Vedanta is one of the most important schools in Hinduism. In this school, Atman means “man” and Brahman means “God”, and there is a kind of identity between Atman and Brahman. Bidel Dehlavi, the great poet of the 11th century (AH), lived in India when Advaita Vedanta school existed. He knew Sanskrit language and was familiar with the customs, mysticism, and religions of the people of his time. In his Masnavi, some concepts such as “non-existence”, “intellect and consciousness” and “man and God” have a high frequency. The question is: What the terms mean in Bidel’s Masnavi? To answer the question, we examined the concepts of Bidel's Masnavi, using important Indian mystical sources. Considering the adaptation of Bidel's definitions of man and God to the mystical sources of India, the reflection of these concepts can be seen in Bidel's Masnavi. Bidel uses non-existence, intellect and consciousness, and man and God in a sense close to the teachings of Advaita Vedanta school.


Main Subjects

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