Arthur Rimbaud and Nima Youshij, Two Pioneers of New Poetry (A Comparative Study)

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD Candidate, Department of French Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of French Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The 19th century is characterized by great socio-political ups and downs both in Iran and France. In the meantime, literature could not be indifferent to such developments. In France, Arthur Rimbaud managed, despite his startlingly short and turbulent life and the unorganized works he authored, to attract a lot of attention. Today he is recognized as one of the influential figures of modern poetry in France. On the other hand, the contribution of Nima Youshij to contemporary Persian poetry is undeniable. However, these two prominent figures have rarely appeared in a comparative study. Focusing on the socio-political context and framework of the two poets and their well-known artworks (The Myth by Nima and The Drunken Boat by Arthur Rimbaud), the study sought to draw a comprehensive pictorial, rather than a mechanical, comparison between the nature and different aspects of the attitudes of the two poets towards the aesthetic literary tradition of their time as well as the requirements and developments of the turbulent era of their life. At first, we study the material-historical framework involved in Nima Youshij and Arthur Rimbaud’s artistic creativity. Then, textual review instruments like linguistic instruments were used to address the literary works. It can be seen that both poets are almost equally sensitive to the issues of their time.


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