A Comparative Study of the Image of Female Narrators in the Stories of Three Shiite Interpretations, Roz al-Janan, Jala al Azhan and Manhaj al-Sadeghin

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph. D. student in persian literature, Shariati Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran

3 Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran


Narrating the activities, events, and wars of early Islam plays an important role in the formation of Sharia discourse and its transmission to the next generations. Moreover, women's narration as a social action is an important issue. Female narrators are the main or second narrators or have the same status of interpretive narratives and have narrated various topics in these stories. This study deals with the comparative analysis of the female narrator’s status in three commentaries of Rozat al-Janan, Jala al-Azhan, and Menhaj al-Sadeghin, and seeks the similarities and differences of this role in the commentaries. Using content analysis, this study explored the type of female narration, the subject of the stories and the participation of the narrators in the stories of the commentaries. The corpus of this study is the stories that were narrated by women in the mentioned commentaries. In these commentaries, prominent women such as Ayesha, Om Salma, and Asma Bint Omais have narrated. This research shows that in these commentaries, women have been narrating and over time, the commentators have changed the image of the female narrator by removing, changing or adding narrators or narrations. Moreover, in these narratives, the reliability of the female narrator has been increased with techniques such as creating multiple levels of narrators, using an internal narrator, and the proximity of the narrator in time and place to the narration.


Main Subjects

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