Sharhi Bar Ghasideyeh Jamalieh or a Describing the Narration of a Collective Story

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


Narration experts’ attention to a type of we-narrator which can not be reduced to other types of narrating has its root in interdisciplinary studies trying to prove that group narration is basically plausible. One of the genres which can be an efficient ground for using such an approach is telling memories as a collective. Following the pattern of mind function, writer makes the narration believable. Moreover, collective memory narrated by a collective narrator benefits such features such as overcoming the classical limitation of first person and not being limited to time and place. Investigating the story of “Sharhi Bar Ghasideyeh Jamaliyeh”, which is a collective narration shows how Golshiri used a combination of the two features in one story and how he created a new approach in we-narration by in a humorous and archaic tune. Golshiri  on the one hand shows the collective narrator as a factor for distancing and on the other side shows his attitude towards the central issue of the story which is a semi-religolious-ritual image.


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