Recognizing Two Narrative Patterns of Zoroastrian sources in a Couplet in Shahnameh

Document Type : Research Article


Professor of Persian language and literature



This study aims to present a new interpretation of the verse "به رشک‌اندر اهریمن بدسگال / همی رای زد تا بیاگند یال" from the story of Kayumars in the Shahnameh. The research begins by citing the aforementioned verse and critically examining existing interpretations. It then delves into Zoroastrian sources, focusing on the keywords "consultation" and "empowerment," and investigates evidence of two narrative patterns present in these texts. A descriptive-analytical approach is used to collect, review, analyze, and structurally compare the evidence. The first pattern consists of three stages: 1) assembly, 2) consultation, and 3) action. The second pattern comprises five stages: 1) awareness of destiny, 2) unconsciousness/immobility, 3) stimulation, 4) consciousness/movement, and 5) action. The analysis and interpretation of the verse based on these patterns reveal that they have undergone transformations to be incorporated into the verse. The verse essentially describes Ahriman consulting with the demons to disrupt the era of Kayumars, his son Siamak, and the people. Through this consultation and the suggestions proposed by the demons aimed at chaos, slaughter, and destruction, Ahriman gains power. He then approves the attack plan and sends his son Khazuran with an army of demons to execute it. Furthermore, in explaining the integration of the two aforementioned patterns in this verse, it can be posited that these patterns have likely merged due to the overlap of certain elements, resulting in a final four-stage pattern in the verse: 1) awareness, 2) assembly, 3) consultation, and 4) action.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 21 October 2024
  • Receive Date: 28 April 2024
  • Revise Date: 05 August 2024
  • Accept Date: 21 October 2024