Keyword Index


  • Abolfazl Bayhaqi Abolfazl Bayhaqi’s Personality Traits: An Analysis Based on Tārikh-e Bayhaqi [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 83-110]
  • Alexander Analyzing Nezami’s Methods in Characterizing Khosrow, Bahram, and Alexander [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 119-146]
  • Armenian The Armenian Epic (Heroś of Sâson) and Shâhnâme [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 1-41]
  • Arsalan Khan Surveying the Letter of Mas'ud I of Ghazni to Arsalan Khan in Tārīkh-i Bayhaqī Using Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis [Volume 47, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 71-102]
  • Art Essence and Art in the Shāh-nāma and their Reflection in Persian Literature [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 29-54]


  • Babr-e Bayān Babr-e Bayān: the Bawri Garment of Anahita [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 123-144]
  • Bahram Analyzing Nezami’s Methods in Characterizing Khosrow, Bahram, and Alexander [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 119-146]
  • Bahrām-e Gōr A Magical Marriage in the Haft Peykar of Nezami A Comparative Study of Mythical Heroesof Iran and Greeceand the Joint Function of Astronomy and Alchemyin the Narrativeof Haft Peykar [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 21-38]
  • Bawri Babr-e Bayān: the Bawri Garment of Anahita [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 123-144]
  • Baysunghuri copy The Audience Analysis of The Shahnama’s Illustrations (Two Manuscripts: Baysunghuri and Davari) [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 55-86]


  • Central Asia Mongolian-Turkic Epics: Typological Formation and Development [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 157-181]
  • Comparative epicology The Armenian Epic (Heroś of Sâson) and Shâhnâme [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 1-41]


  • Daman hut Kang Diz Huxt and Kuling Dus-Hut (An Investigation into the Name of Żahhāk's Palace in the Shāh-nāma and in Sanī Mulūk al-Arż v-al-Anbiyā’) [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 145-156]
  • Davari copy The Audience Analysis of The Shahnama’s Illustrations (Two Manuscripts: Baysunghuri and Davari) [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 55-86]
  • Dus hut Kang Diz Huxt and Kuling Dus-Hut (An Investigation into the Name of Żahhāk's Palace in the Shāh-nāma and in Sanī Mulūk al-Arż v-al-Anbiyā’) [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 145-156]


  • Ectomorph Cerebrotonic Abolfazl Bayhaqi’s Personality Traits: An Analysis Based on Tārikh-e Bayhaqi [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 83-110]
  • Elamite religion The Role of Elamite Gods in the Formation of the Divine Triad: Hormazd-Mithra-Anahita [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 17-28]


  • Fairclough Surveying the Letter of Mas'ud I of Ghazni to Arsalan Khan in Tārīkh-i Bayhaqī Using Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis [Volume 47, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 71-102]
  • Ferdowsi Ferdowsi and the Modern Discourse of Iran (Shahname and its Role in Establishment of Iranian Identity in Contemporary Period) [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 89-117]
  • Figures of Speech Poetical Techniques in the Gathas [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-20]
  • Firdausi The Audience Analysis of The Shahnama’s Illustrations (Two Manuscripts: Baysunghuri and Davari) [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 55-86]


  • Gathas Poetical Techniques in the Gathas [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-20]
  • Ggoddess Babr-e Bayān: the Bawri Garment of Anahita [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 123-144]


  • Haft Peykar A Magical Marriage in the Haft Peykar of Nezami A Comparative Study of Mythical Heroesof Iran and Greeceand the Joint Function of Astronomy and Alchemyin the Narrativeof Haft Peykar [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 21-38]
  • Hélèn Cixous A Critical Analysis of Ibn al-‘Arabi’s Views on Femininity and Gender Issues [Volume 47, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 103-124]
  • Heros of Sason epic The Armenian Epic (Heroś of Sâson) and Shâhnâme [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 1-41]
  • HierosGamos A Magical Marriage in the Haft Peykar of Nezami A Comparative Study of Mythical Heroesof Iran and Greeceand the Joint Function of Astronomy and Alchemyin the Narrativeof Haft Peykar [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 21-38]
  • Homāyun-nāma Homāyun-Nāma (Tārikh-e Manẓum-e Zojāji): A Codicological and Historical Study [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 39-58]
  • Hormazd The Role of Elamite Gods in the Formation of the Divine Triad: Hormazd-Mithra-Anahita [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 17-28]
  • Humour A Study of the "Mock Epic" Genre in Persian [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 87-122]


  • Ibn al-‘Arabi A Critical Analysis of Ibn al-‘Arabi’s Views on Femininity and Gender Issues [Volume 47, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 103-124]
  • Ibn Hessam Khusfis Khavaranname Criticism of Epic Language in Ibn Hessam Khusfis Khavaranname [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 65-88]
  • Imagery Poetical Techniques in the Gathas [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-20]
  • Inshushinak The Role of Elamite Gods in the Formation of the Divine Triad: Hormazd-Mithra-Anahita [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 17-28]
  • Iran Iran and Iranian Image in Chardin’s Travel Book with Respeet to his Clichés and Stereotypes [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 147-170]
  • Iranian The Armenian Epic (Heroś of Sâson) and Shâhnâme [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 1-41]


  • Jean Chardin Iran and Iranian Image in Chardin’s Travel Book with Respeet to his Clichés and Stereotypes [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 147-170]


  • Kang diz huxt Kang Diz Huxt and Kuling Dus-Hut (An Investigation into the Name of Żahhāk's Palace in the Shāh-nāma and in Sanī Mulūk al-Arż v-al-Anbiyā’) [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 145-156]
  • Khosrow Analyzing Nezami’s Methods in Characterizing Khosrow, Bahram, and Alexander [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 119-146]
  • Kidenn The Role of Elamite Gods in the Formation of the Divine Triad: Hormazd-Mithra-Anahita [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 17-28]
  • Kuling dēs Kang Diz Huxt and Kuling Dus-Hut (An Investigation into the Name of Żahhāk's Palace in the Shāh-nāma and in Sanī Mulūk al-Arż v-al-Anbiyā’) [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 145-156]


  • Language Learners A Study on the Status of Teaching and Learning Persian Language Across World Universities [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 111-136]


  • Mahābhārata A Comparative Study of the Charisma (Farr-e Izadi) in the Shāhnāma and Mahābhārata [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 59-82]
  • MalekṢadr al-Din Homāyun-Nāma (Tārikh-e Manẓum-e Zojāji): A Codicological and Historical Study [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 39-58]
  • Maslow Abolfazl Bayhaqi’s Personality Traits: An Analysis Based on Tārikh-e Bayhaqi [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 83-110]
  • Mas'ud I of Ghazni Surveying the Letter of Mas'ud I of Ghazni to Arsalan Khan in Tārīkh-i Bayhaqī Using Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis [Volume 47, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 71-102]
  • Mithra The Role of Elamite Gods in the Formation of the Divine Triad: Hormazd-Mithra-Anahita [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 17-28]
  • Mock Epic A Study of the "Mock Epic" Genre in Persian [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 87-122]
  • Mongol-Turkic Epic Mongolian-Turkic Epics: Typological Formation and Development [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 157-181]


  • Narratology Metalepsis [Volume 47, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 1-26]
  • Nāsir Khusraw Vertical Axis of Imagination in Nāsir Khusraw's Qasidas [Volume 47, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 125-150]
  • Nationalism Ferdowsi and the Modern Discourse of Iran (Shahname and its Role in Establishment of Iranian Identity in Contemporary Period) [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 89-117]
  • Nezami Analyzing Nezami’s Methods in Characterizing Khosrow, Bahram, and Alexander [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 119-146]
  • Nezami A Magical Marriage in the Haft Peykar of Nezami A Comparative Study of Mythical Heroesof Iran and Greeceand the Joint Function of Astronomy and Alchemyin the Narrativeof Haft Peykar [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 21-38]


  • Parody A Study of the "Mock Epic" Genre in Persian [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 87-122]
  • Pen Name Poetical Techniques in the Gathas [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-20]
  • Persian language A Study on the Status of Teaching and Learning Persian Language Across World Universities [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 111-136]
  • Persian Language Problems A Study on the Status of Teaching and Learning Persian Language Across World Universities [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 111-136]
  • Persian Language Teaching Problems A Study on the Status of Teaching and Learning Persian Language Across World Universities [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 111-136]
  • Persian literature Homāyun-Nāma (Tārikh-e Manẓum-e Zojāji): A Codicological and Historical Study [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 39-58]
  • Personality Psychology Abolfazl Bayhaqi’s Personality Traits: An Analysis Based on Tārikh-e Bayhaqi [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 83-110]
  • Pirniā Homāyun-Nāma (Tārikh-e Manẓum-e Zojāji): A Codicological and Historical Study [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 39-58]
  • Poetry Poetical Techniques in the Gathas [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-20]


  • Rhetoric Poetical Techniques in the Gathas [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-20]


  • Shahnama The Audience Analysis of The Shahnama’s Illustrations (Two Manuscripts: Baysunghuri and Davari) [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 55-86]
  • Shāh-nāma An Alternative Reading of Two Expressions in the Shāh-nāma [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 1-16]
  • Shāh-nāma Essence and Art in the Shāh-nāma and their Reflection in Persian Literature [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 29-54]
  • Shāhnāma A Comparative Study of the Charisma (Farr-e Izadi) in the Shāhnāma and Mahābhārata [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 59-82]
  • Shahname Criticism of Epic Language in Ibn Hessam Khusfis Khavaranname [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 65-88]
  • Shahname Ferdowsi and the Modern Discourse of Iran (Shahname and its Role in Establishment of Iranian Identity in Contemporary Period) [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 89-117]
  • Shâhnâme The Armenian Epic (Heroś of Sâson) and Shâhnâme [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 1-41]
  • Shahnameh Comparison of Houshang Myth in the Shahnameh and Khodaynameh Based on Hypertextuality of Genette [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 43-64]
  • Simone de Beauvoir The Second Sex as the Theoretical Basis for the Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis [Volume 47, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 27-50]
  • Striving Essence and Art in the Shāh-nāma and their Reflection in Persian Literature [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 29-54]
  • Structure Vertical Axis of Imagination in Nāsir Khusraw's Qasidas [Volume 47, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 125-150]


  • Tārikh-e Bayhaqi Abolfazl Bayhaqi’s Personality Traits: An Analysis Based on Tārikh-e Bayhaqi [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 83-110]
  • Tārīkh-i Bayhaqī Surveying the Letter of Mas'ud I of Ghazni to Arsalan Khan in Tārīkh-i Bayhaqī Using Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis [Volume 47, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 71-102]
  • The Second Sex The Second Sex as the Theoretical Basis for the Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis [Volume 47, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 27-50]
  • Transformation Comparison of Houshang Myth in the Shahnameh and Khodaynameh Based on Hypertextuality of Genette [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 43-64]
  • Travel book Iran and Iranian Image in Chardin’s Travel Book with Respeet to his Clichés and Stereotypes [Volume 47, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 147-170]
  • Typological Classification Mongolian-Turkic Epics: Typological Formation and Development [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 157-181]
  • Typology Abolfazl Bayhaqi’s Personality Traits: An Analysis Based on Tārikh-e Bayhaqi [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 83-110]


  • Versified Historiography Homāyun-Nāma (Tārikh-e Manẓum-e Zojāji): A Codicological and Historical Study [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 39-58]


  • Wolfgang Iser Act of Reading and Literary Anthropology: An Outline of Wolfgang Iser’s Ideas [Volume 47, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 51-70]


  • Xvarənah The Role of Elamite Gods in the Formation of the Divine Triad: Hormazd-Mithra-Anahita [Volume 47, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 17-28]


  • Zarathustra Poetical Techniques in the Gathas [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-20]
  • Zojāji Homāyun-Nāma (Tārikh-e Manẓum-e Zojāji): A Codicological and Historical Study [Volume 47, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 39-58]